Thursday, November 25, 2010

Count Your Blessings

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. 
 ~Meister Eckhart

Alexander slept in this morning so my day began with thankful thoughts!  On this Thanksgiving morning, I'm looking out the picture windows at giant white snowflakes falling through the sky.   I have intense hope that the snow will turn to rain and the temps will rise enough to melt the ice off the roads.  If not, I won't see Jodie or my family today and that makes me sad.  As happy as I am to be with my boys, Thanksgiving isn't the same without a trip over the hills and through the woods to Grandmother's house. 

There are many things to be thankful for and the list will vary from person to person.
Since you're reading my blog, you get my list!
  1. A husband who cooks and stays home with our son because we both realize I am not stay-at-home mom material.  He loves me unconditionally and lets me be me - a working mom.
  2. An adorable son who teaches me patience as he brings laughter into my heart
  3. Wednesday date nights, compliments of my parents
  4. Sleepovers, compliments of my inlaws
  5. Quality frienships with people who fill my heart with love
  6. My siblings who buy really good Christmas presents since they have new jobs this year
  7. My grandma's brocolli and cheese casserole 
  8. My son's 8pm bedtime
  9. My 8:15pm bedtime
  10. Coffee
  11. Red Wine
  12. A challenging job
  13. A paycheck
  14. A savings account that kinda keeps us from living paycheck to paycheck. 
  15. Monthly socials with Kelli, Joe and Chris. 
  16. My laptop and text messaging
  17. My new boots
  18. Netflix
  19. Online shopping
  20. Red Wine (cut me some slack here, I've been stuck at home for 3 days with a toddler!)
It's a short, funny list.  It's 100% true. 
Life is good, people.  Be thankful for the blessings in your life and love on those who are struggling and need your patience and understanding.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


  1. I am thankful for you!


  2. Amen! :) I enjoyed some fancy BOXED wine today! Ha! ;)


What say ye?