Friday, January 14, 2011

I'm improving at this birthday party planning thing

Year One of Alexander Birthday Extravaganza:

Michelle made too long, unrealistic to-do list, invited every single person we knew (and probably their neighbor) and busted ass to create perfection get it all done the day before the party.  In the process, I consumed too much wine, yelled too much at my husband, and ended up overly tired and hungover with a house full of people on my son's first birthday.

Lesson Learned - be realistic about what you can accomplish.  Even if putting your kid in a costume for his birthday is really, really cute.

Year Two of Alexander Birthday Extravaganza:
Michelle made a shorter list of things to get done, tried not to do it all the day before, invited less people and spent too much money on decorations she didn't like.  As a result, the food prep was still too much and I still drank too much wine even though I had less of a hangover and enjoyed th party more than the previous year.

Lesson learned - Less decoration is more as long as the decorations are big.

Year Three of Alexander Birthday Extravaganza:
Eric helped Michelle with the to-do list because she made the list earlier in the week.  Family was recruited to help with food, we ordered a cookie cake, recruited students to help with decorations (posters count as decorations to an ASB advisor), and drank Captain and diet, instead of wine the night before the party.  As a result, I loved everything about this party.  It may have also helped that most of the guests couldn't make it due to illnesses so it was a super small party.

Lesson learned - Lighten up and have fun with this birthday thing as long as your kid is loving it.

Year Four of Alexander Birthday Extravaganza:

Eric helps Michelle with the to-do list without being asked and surprises her with a clean home.  Michelle brillantly extends the birthday party to include Seahawk playoff game so guests bring snackie foods and spend all day with us.  Ask Alexander to pick out the decorations and help you hang them up so you see his excitement as he talks about his birthday for three days so you don't really care what they look like, even though you still recruit your students to make a few posters. And definitely drink Capt and Diet tomorrow night.

Lesson learned:  To be determined.  But I think it's gonna be awesome.

I can't believe my baby is turning 4!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic party! Happy Birthday Alexander.


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