Sunday, March 14, 2010

Productive Me!

**The title post is due to my son who uses the pronoun "me" after every adverb. "Run Me".  "Follow Me".  "Eat time me".  When one has a toddler, one realizes that everything you say is from the kid.  **
  • Worked out Saturday (six mile walk) and Sunday morning (3ish mile run).  The calf seems to be doing ok (or I'm in total denial). 
  • Showered Fidelia with baby love, laughed a lot with Jodie, was reminded of my admiration for the women in my life (Grandma, Auntie, Mom, Kim, Elizabeth, Jodie, Fidelia).  I don't like women so this admiration is note-worthy. And these are the women in my family so I am doubly blessed.
  • Played trucks, trains, built roads, read books, and played like a little kid.
  • Cleaned and organized the clutter in our room
  • Cleaned and organized the clutter in our basement
  • Cleaned windows and bathrooms and wiped away the cobwebs
  • Dusted every surface that the sun shone on this morning which, as it turns out, was EVERYWHERE!
  • Finished the mounds of laundry that were winding their way out of the utility room into the hallway 
  • Finished a book, started another one, and watched a couple of episodes of Dexter
  • Lost an hour and yet, I did so much!  I'm pretty amazing.  tee-hee
It's going to be a busy week but the thyroid is at 100% and I feel good.  My in-laws return from Arizona this week, my favorite students are home on spring break, and Florida is officially two weeks away.   

And, on Monday, Michelle + healthy choices = Weight Watchers. 

Never had a better day.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Yay for a healthy thyroid and getting lots done!


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