Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Mini Moments

No one really likes a Monday.  So, in keeping with that theory, I decided to start Monday Mini Moments.  Moments to embrace to help kick start a week.

I love, love, love hearing Christmas music 24-7.  I'm going to play it in the locker room all week (until a student complains).

I stepped on the scale this morning and didn't gain a lb!  This is a BIG accomplishment since I self-sabotage on weekends.

There are only 5 work days remaining until I'm home for two FULL WEEKS!

All my Christmas cards/letters were mailed today.  All 95 of them. 

My Christmas shopping is DONE!

Happy week to you!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe that's what I need - some Christmas music to get me motivated.


What say ye?