Tuesday, December 8, 2009

10, 11, 12...

So, here's the thing.  It's truth time.  Cold, hard truth.  I figure if I put it into words and out into the blogworld, I will have to hold myself accountable.  Clearly, I can't do this by myself so blogword (friends and family), it time for you to start kicking my arse!

I haven't exactly been...uh, committed to a healthy lifestyle.. I've been saying for the past six months that I want to lose the last 5 lbs of pregnancy weight.  If I'm completely honest, it's more like 10...11...12 lbs that need to go before I'm back at pre-pregnancy weight.  Ugh. When did that happen?  I should know better than to allow myself to carry that extra weight.  I'm a PE teacher, for crying out loud!  It is embarrassing to be so big when I'm in a job that is all about health and fitness.

How hard can it be to lose 12 lbs and get myself back into shape?  I did it in 2000 and kept that weight off for six years.  I know exactly what to do, how to do it, why I should do it, and yet, I'm choosing to be lazy and make excuses.  I have always struggled with body image. I imagine I always will.  But I hate carrying this extra weight and I want it over.

I am running but no more than 3 times a week.  And I haven't been to Curves in two months (I did work out at Curves today and was measured for the first time in 2 months.  The numbers are not good - not good AT ALL.).  How embarassing to admit that I'm the woman paying for a gym membership but never goes! 

My Goal:  Work out 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day.
  • Continue running on my prep, every other day, for 20-30 minutes.  This will vary from 2 - 3 times a day.  
  • Run/walk with a friend once a weekend
  • Alternate days at Curves with my running days
After I work out, I do this crazy thing with my mind and convince myself I can consume more calories.  These calories are usually in the form of alcohol empty calories.  Since I don't eat after six, that gives me about two hours in the evening and apparently, I fill the 120 minutes with eating and/or drinking.  And, as it turns out, those calories are turning to fat (duh) and I'm packing on the inches (duh). 

My Goal:  Reinstate Weight Watchers program since it works for me

  • Write down every, single thing that I eat during a day
  • Drink a full 32 oz water bottle before I leave school at 2:30.
  • Do not eat after 6 PM.
  • NO MORE SNACKING (damn near impossible with Eric and toddler but will do my best)
I imagine you are wondering why I would rededicate myself during the holiday season.  The answer is simple.  I stick to a routine better when I'm home. I always do better during the breaks than at school, where I become easy distracted.  Since winter break is coming up, I will have the time to focus and fall into a strong routine for the new year.  I can count points on Weight Watchers and plan ahead to meals.  I can avoid snacking by preoccupying myself with Alexander.  Instead of running during winter break, I'm taking borrowing my parents Wii to do Wii Fit each day and plan to go to Curves every morning after Eric wakes up.

Realistically, if I lose 1-2 lbs a week, I should have this done in six to eight weeks...just in time for our trip to Arizona/Disneyland! 

Wish me luck...and be prepared to call me out when I grab the junk food give me much needed support because I can't do this alone!


  1. As long as you give yourself a "free" day on the 19th. That's party day and you can't be crazy restrictive at a party.

    Otherwise, you TOTALLY can do this. You are worth the effort and deserve to put yourself first. Afterall, a happy momma is a GOOD momma. :)

    I use myfitnesspal.com to track what I eat and my exercise. It's free and super easy - check it out.


What say ye?