Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Four lbs is better than a kick in the eye

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be. 
David Viscott
After my fantastic, crazy eating binge in Disneyland (OY!), I chose to make a change.  Rather than complain and complain and complain about "being fat", I changed my mindset.  I wrote two quotes on my wall, wrote a weight loss goal, and loss of inches goal.  They are posted on my bathroom mirror.  A good friend was having success with this online program so I decided to give it a shot (by the way, I cancelled my Weight Watchers membership after the first week of trying this program).  I downloaded the app on my phone, I joined Curves, and I set goals for myself.  

The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
Carl Sandburg
I started working out, eating healthy, and waited for the first weigh-in day.  I wasn't sure what to expect since, in six months time, I hadn't lost anything with Weight Watchers.  I had given up hope of losing weight, my frustration was growing, and frankly, so was the size of my arse.

Three weeks later...

I have said goodbye to four pounds!   This may not seem like much but I'm choosing to celebrate it!

There is nothing permanent except change. 
I had forgotten how good it feels to be successful with weight loss.  To know that the choices have positive consequences.  And to feel good in my clothes.

The quotes will remain on my mirror, as with updated numbers and goals. 
I will succeed.

It feels too good to believe anything else.

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What say ye?