Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Job Update

I love it.

It's fast paced. It's constant problem solving and decision making.  It's listening to people, without fixing their issues.  It's validating others without giving advice (unless it is asked for).  And it is interacting with students and staff in a different role but as the same Michelle.  Does that even make sense?  

Let me break it down for you.
It is leadership camp every single day.

I have my own office in the hub of the school.  I love that staff and students stop by, even if it is to pick up a piece of candy.  I love that my sweet mom sewed and ironed tablecloths for the tables in my office because she said it needed color.
She's right.

I'm wearing grown up clothes and it takes me 20 minutes longer in the morning to figure out what I'm going to wear.  I shopped all weekend, hit sales, and pretended I actually have the money to pay for all the clothes.
I have blisters covering my toes due to these rookie feet, which never ever EVER wear heels.

More importantly, I love the excuse to accessorize the outfits.  Seriously love it.

Apparently, they think I'm so important that they gave me this as an accessory.

It doesn't match my outfits.  It's bulky.  I don't really know what to do with it because it is awkward to carry. And the battery is constantly falling off the back when I try to talk so I end up fumbling to put the battery back in just to repeat myself 3 times.   More than once, I've hooked up the battery, only to hear someone else laughing on the other end!  Can't say I blame them.
Maybe I'll ask the technology team for Secret Service earbuds instead.
Now, that would be a cool accessory.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you love it! Can't wait to hear more throughout the year. I must say, my feet/body was not made for heels. Ugh! I wear them out but other than that, kitten heels, cute dress flats & wedges are my only dress shoes! I just can't do it!


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